Unfortunately due to severe inclement weather forecast for the event date, the ASCC Kennetcook Conundrum Rally must be postponed once again. The new date for this event is February 23rd. All other details remain the same.
Per the event lead organizer, Ian Pearce:
[important]Given the outlook for the weekend, and upon consulting our resident meteorologist, we have little choice but the prudent decision.
We put great effort into working on a date for people to plan, but there would be serious risk in trying to run the event this weekend. There might be a strong likely hood that checkpoint crews would not be able to make it to their locations.
It also would not be prudent to run an event under such conditions. We are all rally fans, but things change in a blizzard.
New date is 23 FEB 2013. All other details the same.
With regrets:
-The organizing team. [/important]
For any questions please see the discussion thread on the ARMS Forum by clicking here.